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Review of the General Assembly of 14 April 2023

On April 14, 2023, nearly 100 members were present at the Club-House of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez for the Extraordinary General Assembly followed by the Ordinary General Assembly, 93 members were eligible to vote and 9 active members were represented. In total, 102 votes were counted for the election. Pierre Roinson opened the meeting with the 2022 moral report. “The year 2022 has seen a return to normal activity, but it is always in a spirit of progress that the Nautical Society seeks to innovate and improve the organisation of nautical events, the welcome, communication, the comfort of the club and our commitment to participation in international events. We have therefore changed the furniture which corresponds more to the activities of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez. A library was built to provide our members with books and magazines. The Friday evening aperitif, which is a convivial exchange between members, is always a success. During meetings of other clubs, I noticed that the membership fees were cheaper in our club. This is good news for our members who can devote themselves to their passion. Some events involve an additional budget (SailGP, TP52) so it is very important to find new partners to consolidate our treasury. We have therefore worked in this direction in 2022: Thus, the Galeries Bartoux, the Paprec company, Highfield, the Rothschild champagnes have just joined us in addition to other ongoing partnerships! We can also count on our loyal partners: Rolex, BMW, North SAIL, Suzuki Marine, Wally. Our team of permanent staff has been strengthened with Julie at the reception and assistant for the organisation of events on land, Lisa, marketing and communication assistant. I would like to thank the Mayor, Sylvie Siri, for her unfailing support for our association, as well as all the departments of the town hall which provide invaluable assistance in the organisation of our events. I would also like to thank Tony Oller, director of the port of Saint-Tropez, and all his team, who meet our expectations as much as possible. The Société Nautique de St Tropez is an important player in the economic life of the village, and that is why it is very important that our relations with the town hall are transparent and cordial. I would also like to thank all the volunteers, including the core group who help us all year round, and all those who help us from time to time to organise our events at sea or on land. Like Georges Korhel, our race director and his team. Thank you to our team of permanent staff for their involvement: Chloé, Frédérique, Philippe, Julie and Lisa. And finally, thank you to the members of the Board of Directors, whom I am asking more and more of, knowing that several of them are still working and that they have not had the opportunity to participate in any of our events.

  • On April 14, 2023, nearly 100 members were present at the Club-House of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez for the Extraordinary General Assembly followed by the Ordinary General Assembly, 93 members were eligible to vote and 9 active members were represented. In total, 102 votes were counted for the election. Pierre Roinson opened the meeting with the 2022 moral report. “The year 2022 has returned to normal activity, but it is always in a spirit of progress that the Nautical Society seeks to innovate and improve the organisation of nautical events, the welcome, communication, the comfort of the club and our commitment to participation in international events. We have therefore changed the furniture which corresponds more to the activities of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez. A library was built to provide our members with books and magazines. The Friday evening aperitif, which is a convivial exchange between members, is always a success. During meetings of other clubs, I noticed that the membership fees were cheaper in our club. This is good news for our members who can devote themselves to their passion. Some events involve an additional budget (SailGP, TP52) so it is very important to find new partners to consolidate our treasury. We have therefore worked in this direction in 2022: Thus, the Galeries Bartoux, the Paprec company, Highfield, the Rothschild champagnes have just joined us in addition to other ongoing partnerships! We can also count on our loyal partners: Rolex, BMW, North SAIL, Suzuki Marine, Wally. Our team of permanent staff has been strengthened with Julie at the reception and assistant for the organisation of events on land, Lisa, marketing and communication assistant. I would like to thank the Mayor, Sylvie Siri, for her unfailing support for our association, as well as all the departments of the town hall which provide invaluable assistance in the organisation of our events. I would also like to thank Tony Oller, director of the port of Saint-Tropez, and all his team, who meet our expectations as much as possible. The Société Nautique de St Tropez is an important player in the economic life of the village, and that is why it is very important that our relations with the town hall are transparent and cordial. I would also like to thank all the volunteers, including the core group who help us all year round, and all those who help us from time to time to organise our events at sea or on land. Like Georges Korhel, our race director and his team. Thank you to our team of permanent staff for their involvement: Chloé, Frédérique, Philippe, Julie and Lisa. And finally, thank you to the members of the Board of Directors, whom I am asking more and more of, knowing that several of them are still working and that they have not had the opportunity to participate in any of our events.
  • The Americaˋs cup which will take place in 2024 in Barcelona becomes a very important goal for the Nautical Society in the next two years. Thanks to our commitment as a Challenger Club, the Société Nautique is now one of the top ten clubs in the world. We can be proud to have been chosen by the French Orient-Express Team led by Stephane Kandler and Bruno Dubois. Six nations will participate in the next America Cup in Barcelona in 2024,

Alain Guy Red Bull racing for the Swiss Inéos Britannia for the English, Luna rossa Prada Pirelli for the Italians American magic from the New York Yacht Club for the Americans Orient-Express Team for the French It is a great opportunity for our club to have a world event which will project the Nautical Society and the village of Saint Tropez on all the media of the world. We will try to organise a visit to the site and a meeting in Barcelona with the French team. I give the floor to Mr PERRAULT who represents the Mayor of Saint-Tropez.

Michel Perrault, 5th deputy mayor of Saint-Tropez: “Good morning to everyone, Madame le Maire had a last minute impediment, so it’s at short notice and so I haven’t prepared a speech. It’s always interesting to come. La SNST et la Ville sont étroitement liés. I have a quote from François Villon: “Two were and one had a heart”. We are not in the same boat but we share the same values for the influence of the City. As a member of the tourism and bio-diversity commission, I have had the opportunity to meet other places and see sailing events, particularly in Marseille. People look at us with envy and it is not always the case elsewhere… The reality in Saint-Tropez is alive and it participates in the activities of the city and enhances our city. The fact of being the challenger club for the America’s Cup will add to the reputation of Saint-Tropez! The Port of Saint-Tropez is an important partner for the regattas.

Georges Korhel a ensuite énoncé le compte rendu sportif 2022 « 2022 a été, depuis, 2020 la première année « normale » d’après COVID. Racing rules of sail: There were no or very few changes last year. As usual, changes will be tested and implemented after next year’s Olympic Games. We have introduced dynamic (remotely connected) buoys for some of our greener regattas and this is working very well. The regattas :

  • The inter-club challenge, otherwise known as the “World Championship of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez” always attracts as many local competitors in the participating clubs: the SNST, the YCIPG, the CNSM and the CNSR.
  • The ARMEN festival brings together three disciplines: sailing, skiing and the arts.
  • The Hippocampus Cup is a regatta reserved for “Sméralda 888” one-design boats, which means that the first to arrive wins, no compensated time.
  • The Ladies of Saint-Tropez, the first traditional sailing regatta of the season, is always full of competitors and often leads to epic evenings.
  • Bravado is a great classic of our club.
  • Off the coast of Saint-Tropez allows duos and solos to compete on a course of 600 nautical miles. The format will change this year.
  • The Rolex Giraglia organised jointly with the YCI
  • Robert Pourchet Trophy: two nice days with some racing
  • The SAIL GP, a regatta for flying catamarans. For this event, no less than 20 safety boats must be found to secure the race area.
  • The Saint-Tropez sails, organised over two weeks, brought together 230 boats in the first week and 45 IMAs in the second week.
  • The Autumn Sails without the night race but with as many competitors as ever regardless of the weather. The podiums: only the results at the SNST are taken into account, some boats went to race outside.
  • 3 podiums : Cachou, l’Autre femme, Sensation, Expresso, Magic Carpet, Hermitage.
  • 2 podiums : Imagine, Majolan, Mikala, Espar II, Bandit, Bim III, Eugenia V
  • 1 podium: Vito II, Couleur Soleil, Eva, Xantus, Pounento, midi voile, Ecbatane, Jaro
    II, Keros, King of blue, Maria Giovana, Moogli, Makaya, Raving swan, Albator.

The SNST Youth Sailing Team: 10 young people sailed under the SNST colours in 2022. 6 regattas between Monaco and Marseille. Good results for a first year, 10th / 78 boats for the Primo cup in Monaco, 3rd in the Massilia, 2nd French crew in the European championship in Hyères, 13th in the French championship. The Volunteers: The regattas we organise could not take place without the involvement of the many volunteers who are loyal to the SNST. For all these regattas, throughout the year, a team of more than 100 volunteers is mobilized more or less 80 days for the organization as well on land as on water, for the animation, the security, the bar, the registrations, the preparation of the courses, the race committee and all that the SNST needs for the good progress of these events and the conviviality. A big thank you to all of you. Thank you for listening to me.

Patrick Dalle Ore then presented the fishing and motor report. “We had three events in 2022. The squid competitions with a dozen boats. Sortent vainqueurs les bateaux HOLD UP, MAGA et la BUGA pour la première cession et MAGA, l’AUTRE FEMME et GREY GOOSE pour la seconde. This year saw the birth of the first offshore fishing competition (outside the Varathon). It is the MASTER FISHING SUZUKI in no kill. 17 boats from the Alpes Maritimes, the Var, the Bouches du Rhone and elsewhere participated. It was a success and a very nice event. All the competitors are looking forward to the second edition which should take place in August 2023. A great success and a commitment of the Club to develop its fishing activity while preserving the environment by organizing ecological actions. The participants were asked to collect waste at sea during the Master fishing. At the end of the few catches filmed and measured on board or in the water before being released into the sea, the boat GOSTA won the first prize ahead of MAGA 3 and WATANGA. In fourth place, LUCIA with Léo Fournier who received the junior prize! and the prize for the “dépollueur” awarded to MC Marine. Without forgetting the motor fleet’s outings during the sailing events. About twenty boats are present each year to embark the Press or the guests (especially

pour les Voiles de Saint-Tropez). Thank you for maintaining this perspective for 2023. Thank you all.

The Treasurer, Patricia BARASC, presented the Financial Report for the year ended 31/12/2002. Despite the economic context, we have maintained our sales, our partners have continued their support to a lesser extent, we have increased our stocks and we have had to face additional costs for salaries and unforeseen accounting and legal services. The key word of our association is generosity. Generosity of the members who willingly engage in the activities on a voluntary basis. Generosity of the partners. Generosity of the employees who are always available to help our members. Generosity towards our event participants and generosity towards the public to whom we offer dazzling performances. However, generosity comes at a cost. Moreover, if we have faced extra costs this year, they should be avoided for 2023. In addition to the partnership agreements currently being negotiated, which should enable us to reduce our purchases, better use of management tools should enable us to be vigilant about expenses and efforts will be required to reduce our organisational costs.

Véronique Cornec delivered the auditor’s report

All resolutions were accepted unanimously:

RESOLUTION No. 1 Approval of the minutes of the 2022 General Assembly of 23 April 2022. ACCEPTED BY MAJORITY VOTE

RESOLUTION No. 2 Approval of the auditor’s special report and of all agreements mentioned therein. ACCEPTED BY MAJORITY VOTE

RESOLUTION No. 3 Approval of the accounts, balance sheet and profit and loss account for the financial year 2022 and discharge of the Board of Directors for its management. ACCEPTED BY A MAJORITY

Voting of candidates for the Board of Directors

The candidates for the Board of Directors were the same (the three outgoing members are those who were applying for the three positions to be filled). Each candidate presented themselves briefly. The President of the SNST, Pierre Roinson, therefore proposed to vote.

Category ” Sailing ” (2 positions to be filled for 4 years) : Patricia BARASC: unanimously ELECTED Michel LEFEBVRE: unanimously ELECTED

Motor” category (1 post to be filled for 4 years) : Jérôme PIEGTS: ELECTED unanimously

Co-option of Sylvain Bretagne to the Board: ACCEPTED unanimously

Awards and distinctions

Golden Crew Awards: Denis Martin then presented the Golden Sailing Crew Award. Among the most active crew members of the year (efficient at sea and discreet on land) were distinguished: For the women Golden Sailor: Geneviève Rebufat For the men: Golden Crewman : Didier Esquerre They received a North Sails clothing prize


Following the vote of the members of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez, the Board of Directors (16 Members in total) is composed as follows Patricia Barasc, Sylvain Bretagne, Jean-Pierre Cappuccio, Patrick Dalle Ore, Jean Pierre Epoudry, Georges Korhel, Michel Lefebvre, Denis Martin, Michel Pavillon, Jérome Piegts, Patrick Piegts, Arnaud Plomb, Pierre Roinson, Joël Seckler, Absent represented: Thibaut Garnotel, Annie Wilhelm. The Board of Directors can thus validly proceed to the election of the Members of the Bureau. Position of President: candidate : Pierre Roinson elected unanimously by a show of hands. Position of Vice-President Sailing: Candidate: Thibaut Garnotel elected unanimously by a show of hands. Position of Vice-President Motor: Candidate: Patrick Dalle Ore elected unanimously by a show of hands. Position of Secretary General: Candidate: Michel Pavillon elected unanimously by a show of hands Position of Treasurer: Candidate: Patricia Barasc, elected unanimously by a show of hands