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Twenty-four IRC yachts will take part in the offshore race renamed “PAPREC 600 Saint-Tropez” which will start on Wednesday 24 May 2023 at noon in front of the Cité du Bailli!

Among them, seven Class40 competitors, seven solo racers, seven duos and three crews are in the running.

On Monday 22 May 2023, it is time for the final preparations and boat checks at the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez.

During the briefing on Tuesday 23 May, the race director, Georges Korhel, will announce the course depending on the weather conditions. It may be shortened and modified before or during the race. Departure from Saint-Tropez, Ile du Levant to port, Bouches de Bonifacio, Isola di Giannutri, Isola d’Elbe, Isola Gallinara, Ile du Levant to starboard, arrival in Saint-Tropez.

An ideal event for amateurs or professionals who participate in other major events such as the Vendée Globe, the Transquadra, the Figaro, the Route du Rhum, the Cap Martinique, etc. Like Louis Burton, Alexia Barrier, Clément Giraud, Sebastien, Hugues and Jean-Guillem Destremau, Adrien and Robin Follin and so many others who have taken part in this race since 2010… Some crews are also keen to promote their charities such as Perte de vue, un palier deux toits, Marcher sur l’eau. And why not win the first prize in cash!

This event counts for the IRC Mediterranean Championship in all three categories. A beautiful race in perspective that can be followed on the following link

The big names in offshore and IRC racing are in the running :

In the running, no less than seven Class 40s for a 600 nautical mile duo course; on his MADE IN MIDI, sailor Kito de Pavant, who has been competing since 2021, has dragged along his opponents, ACI40 with Ivica Kostelic, BLUE PLANET with Christian Kerl, IMAGINE ACTSOCOMEC with Marco Guerra, PHARE 40 with Anthony Streicher, REVE A PERTE DE VUE with Joel Paris, and SOTRAPLANT TRS with Matthieu Foulquier Gazagnes

In the double-handed category, 7 crews will be competing: AURORE with Thierry Rigoine de Fougerolle, HATHOR 5 with Paul Van Gaver, HPLUS with Laurent Buissart, JEANNE with Pierre-Henri Duffaud, Marcher sur l’eau (Walking on the water) with Benoit David, Milou with Thomas Filleux and UN PALIER DEUX TOITS (A PALIER DEUX TOITS) with Christine Mora

Among the solo sailors, there are seven boats with BLUE007 – Michel Sastre, COCO – Frédéric Ponsenard, FIGOLO – Michel de Bressy, FURTIF – Gérard Guilluy, NABLA – Pascal Caussil, SOLENN FOR PURE OCEAN – Ludovic Gérard, WALILI – Richard Delpeut

On the crew side, three boats will be racing with the Dufour 36 Performance ARCHITEUTHIS with Jacques Silve, the RM 1070 CHAAC with Emmanuel Unguran and a MULTI, Barramundi 510, DAKOTA with Emmanuel Pironneau.

What they say :

RÊVE À PERTE DE VUE – Joel PARIS (Class 40- duo)

“Rêve à Perte de Vue is a handicapped crew skippered by Joel Paris, visually impaired skipper and federator of the project, and Thibault Lecarpentier, naval architect, brilliant regatta sailor and racing boat specialist.

UN PALIER DEUX TOITS – Christine MORA (Class 40- duo)

“Participating in the Paprec 600? The dream, since 2019! I can’t wait to be there, especially as it will be the first regatta for the association Un Palier Deux Toits.

MARCHER SUR L’EAU- Benoit DAVID (Class 40- duo)

“We are taking part in the “Paprec 600 Saint Tropez” for the flawless organisation of the SNST, the beauty of the course and to have fun. We are looking forward to meeting up with the competitors and friends we have met during previous regattas and training courses, both on land and on the water. “

ACI 40 – Ivica KOSTELIC (Class 40- duo)

“I am delighted to be racing in Paprec 600 Saint-Tropez. We will have a very tough course and serious Class 40 competition, but I feel confident after winning “Roma per Due” in April. I’m also delighted to discover a world-famous place like Saint-Tropez and enjoy a relaxing time on the French Riviera. “

MADE IN MIDI – Kito de Pavant (Class 40- duo)

“I am pleased to see that the Paprec 600 is taking its place, with a title partner and the ambition to be a major ocean racing event in the Mediterranean. I appreciate the kindness, simplicity and professionalism of the organisation. “

AURORE – Thierry RIGOINE DE FOUGEROLLES (duo, première participation)

“Participating in the PAPREC 600 has a special flavour for us, as it is our qualifying race for the Cap Martinique, a 100% amateur and committed transatlantic race which will start next April from La Trinité sur Mer.”

WALILI – Richard DELPEUT (en solo, fidèle de l’épreuve)

“Like every year we look forward to this race as much for the race as for the welcome and the atmosphere between the participants, this year I am repairing solo for a great adventure.”

Organisation :

Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez

Nouveau Port- BP 72 

83992 Saint-Tropez

Tel : 0033(0)4 94 97 30 54 

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