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Weekend of January and February
Weekend of January and February

At the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez, the Calamar d’Or has become an institution. It is, of course, an inshore squid fishing event.
In the Mediterranean, it is especially in winter that it is sought after. This event was born in 2000 at the initiative of Patrick Piegts and Jean-Francois Marin, both members of the board of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez. They used to meet from time to time for fishing trips, which attracted other members of the SNST who joined them in increasing numbers. Thus, little by little, several boats armed with the necessary equipment to catch the biggest squid, met on weekends in January and February on the water of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez.


Four weekends of two rounds, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Squid fishing starts 1 hour before sunset and ends 1 hour after dark.
Calamari is fished by trolling or by stopping, but with the indispensable “Turlutte”; a lure in the shape of a small fish loaded with barbless points.
This event is open to all. After each outing, the participants weigh their catch and announce the results of the day to the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez. This gives, of course, the opportunity to meet around a glass of friendship and good humor …

THE CLASSIFICATION AND PRIZE-GIVING: For each participant, it is the best catch of the weekend that is retained. This makes it possible to establish a classification 1st, 2nd, 3rd … which corresponds to the number of points. Thus, the one who at the end of the 4 weekends accumulates the most points wins the Golden Calamari. The prize awarded is purely symbolic, it has no other value than that of the good times spent … The anecdotes are not lacking, nor the records!